Ask a Bioinformatician

In the last 2 years, next-gen sequencing instrument output has significantly increased; labs are now sequencing more samples with greater depth than ever before. Demand for the analysis of next generation sequencing data is also growing at an arguably even higher rate. To help accommodate this higher demand, now allows researchers to quickly find and connect directly with service providers who have specific data analysis expertise:

 Whether it’s a simple question about gluing piece together in a pipeline or a request to have your transcriptome annotated, researchers can quickly choose a bioinformatics provider based on their expertise and post queries and project requests. Services that bioinformaticians offer on Genohub are broken down into primary, secondary and tertiary data analysis:

Primary – Involves the quality analysis of raw sequence data from a sequencing platform. Primary analysis solutions are typically provided by the platform after the sequencing phase is complete. This often results in a FASTQ file, which is a combination of sequence data and Phred quality scores for each base.

Secondary – Encompasses sequence alignment, assembly and variant calling of aligned reads. Analysis is usually resource intensive, requiring a significant amount of data and compute resources. This type of analysis often requires a set of algorithms that can often be automated into a pipeline. While the simplest pipelines can be a matter of gluing together publically available tools, a certain level of expertise is required to maintain and optimize the analysis flow for a particular project. 

Tertiary Analysis – Annotation, variant call validation, data aggregation and sample or population based statistical analysis are all components of tertiary data analysis. This type of analysis is typically performed to answer a specific biologically relevant question or generate a series of new hypothesis that need testing.

Researchers that still need library prep, sequencing and data analysis services can still search find and begin projects as before using our Shop by Project page. What’s new is that researchers who only need data analysis services can now directly search for and contact a bioinformatics service provider to request a quote:

Whether you plan performing a portion of your sequencing data analysis yourself or intend on taking on the challenge of putting together your own pipeline, consultation by a seasoned expert saves time and ensures you’re the way to successfully completing your project. By adding this new service, we’re trying to make it easier to search for and identify the right provider for your analysis requirements.

If you’re a service provider and would like your services to be listed on Genohub, you can sign up for Service Provider Account or contact us to discuss the screening and approval process.